Souped Up

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Health Valley 14 Garden Vegetable (Giant Food)

142 calories, 691 mg sodium, 7 g fiber

My sense of taste seems to have recovered from my cold, so I'm glad this was a tastier soup. Thin, but busy with a very high population density. Not dominated by any veggie, but a hearty mix. Has beans, but doesn't seem dominated by them--not a "bean soup," and lacks whatever the hard beans are that some of the other soups had. Pleasant on it's own, but it took a real step up when I added parmesan.

Buy again.

UPDATE: Tried again, and still thought it was a winner. Keep 'em comin'!

UPDATE 2: Try with no parmesan. It clumps so much, I wonder if it's really contributing.

UPDATE 3: The shine has worn off. Somehow it seems too sweet. Too many carrots?


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